Illumination & Healing - Soul Coaching & Heaing

Lindy Clifton
0428 377 451
0428 377 451
18 Years Experience Online Nationally and Internationally

Does your Inner Being need some support? Do you feel sad, dispirited, as if the meaning of your life is unclear and uninspiring? Do you feel as if you are in a rut, as if the joy of life has disappeared from your life? Then you may need some help to uplift your spirit, to embrace your Higher Self and clear some of the inner pain held within your Being. This will allow your Soul to grow, to shine, to free you from beliefs about the self which are holding you back from truly embracing life.

My belief has always been that the way we live our lives has a marked influence upon our health and enjoyment of life. My parents were spiritual and I grew up believing that if we lived our lives sharing with and caring for others then we were improving other people's lives, and therefore our own also.

The principle that in essence we are all one has been a cornerstone of my life.

I have been a meditator for most of my adult life and meditate almost every day. I strive to live mindfully also, being aware of how my actions affect others and striving to live in the moment.

I have a deep desire to share my knowledge with others, yet was unsure how to do this.

I was introduced to Alana Fairchildan Australian Spiritual teacher, author and creator of spiritual healing modalities, in 2014. The following year I undertook training for her first healing course, and found it a very powerful modality. Since then I have undertaken all her courses and I am a qualified:

Saraswati Healing(TM) Practitioner

Kuan Yin Transmission(TM) Practitioner

I offer 1:1 Sessions and small group sessions and Workshops

I have found these modalities to help people to go beneath the layers of the self to reveal the deep inner wounds that can be brought to light and released throught gentle, honouring and nurturing practices. Both these modalities honour the individual's spiritual/life journey and meet them where they are at that moment.

I also offer:

Oracle Card Guidance Sessions

I use one of Alana Fairchild's Oracle Decks as the basis and have found that these sessions can be very uplifting and reassuring for the client. (1.5 hours)

These sessions are reasonably priced: $55

Working with a Greek Colleague

I also offer Zoom Joint Spiritual Teaching Sessions with Georia Koutla. These are offered in two time sessions to accommodate different time zones every 3 weeks. Participants have reported deep inner transformation after these.


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